Branded Events: Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Italian Zest Launch in Los Angeles
On May 17, 2018, Dolce and Gabbana hosted a beautiful rooftop event for their newest launch of the Light blue, Italian Zest fragrance. Covered in beautiful green foliage and lemons, The Nomad Hotel rooftop was sure a sight to see. The Julia Testa team was fortunate enough to be sent to Los Angeles to take part in the decor details of the space.

Flying in with two days until the event, we got off the plane and headed straight through to the LA Flower district. It was our first ever visit and experience of the flower market, and we loved it. Compared to the busy NYC 28th street flower market, LA was luxury for us. There was a parking garage, dollar rental carts and the entire flower market was about four floors and entirely indoors. The selection and the variety of plants completely blew our minds. After grabbing all the material we needed, we headed over to a nearby restaurant depo to get the best looking lemons we could possibly find (500 lemons to be exact).
Next, we headed over to The Nomad Hotel where the event was being held and where we were staying for the next three days, and got strait to work. The launch itself had a cocktail party atmosphere, so we designed all-florals arrangements for their tables. We also had the honor to also help design the room for Dolce and Gabbana's welcome dinner, to be held the night before the event. For that, we designed a long runner with different types of lush foliage and accents of lemons.

The day of the event arrived, and we were further tasked with the entrance display, in addition to our rooftop design – a challenge we were more than inspired to accommodate.
With multiple vendors on the scene, we dove into the swarm of activity, creating a lush foliage garden display in tall glass cylinders on a beautiful rattan credenza (adding lemons to everything, of course).
After all the parts and pieces came together, and the client approved, we had time to breathe. We took in the rooftop space, styled by so many different teams, with the LA sun illuminating our lush surroundings and we couldn't help but think that there might just be something this "traveling florist" gig, after all.