Governor Cuomo Announces Weddings and Catered Events are Back March 15
Hello, party-people. This is not a drill. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that on March 15, 2021, weddings and catered events will be returning to New York.
In a statement released on, Cuomo explained, ”Thanks to the hard work and commitment of all New Yorkers, our infection rate is now the lowest we've seen in three months, and accordingly we will now be reopening various recreational activities across the state including billiard halls, weddings and movie theaters in New York City.
“As our infection rate continues to fall, and the vaccination rate continues to climb, we will keep reopening different sectors of our state's economy and focus our efforts on building our state back better than it was before."
Although this re-opening is not without its restrictions and limitations (see our full list below) our team at Julia Testa could not be more excited to return to sharing in all the big, special moments in your lives.
From planning a COVID-conscious wedding to hosting a private, catered event, we’ll help you fill those half-capacity venues with large floral installations, create custom or themed designs for your beautiful rooms and table-tops, and set the tone for the one-of-a-kind events we’ve all been so badly missing.
Rules and Regulations for New York Weddings and Catered Events Beginning March 15:
As sourced from For the most up-to-date information, we recommend routinely checking in with your local government agency resources.
- Venues are restricted to 50% capacity, with no more than 150 people per event.
- All patrons must be tested prior to the event.
- Sign-in with contact information is required to assist with potential contact tracing.
- Venues must notify local health departments of large events, above the social gathering limit, in advance.
- Masks will be required at all times except when seated and eating or drinking.
- Ceremonial and socially-distanced dancing allowed under strict guidelines.
To get started planning your next event, give us a call or request a personal consultation.
And now, finally, let’s raise our glasses, coffee mugs, or whatever we’re holding in our hands. This is officially a virtual “Cheers!” from us to you, and a whole-hearted, “TG we’re back!”